Sunday, October 20, 2019: 29th Sunday Ordinary Time

The First Reading: Exodus 17:8-13,
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 121:1-8
The Second Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2
The Gospel: Luke 18:1-8

Morning Mass (@ Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Madina Accra Ghana)

Homily By Rev. Fr. Wilmer Cacao, Assistant Priest

Last Sunday (The 28th Sunday), the gospel taught us about the prayer of thanksgiving.
This Sunday (The 29th Sunday), we have another lesson on prayer which is the prayer of petition.

As in any other kind f prayer, the prayer of petition is always pleasing to God and is willing to listen to this kind of prayer and grant us our request.
However, some of us complain that our prayers are not being answered.


Some of us do not have complete confidence in God, we use God as the last option.  We already have our plans sorted out and only come to God as the last resort after we realize things didn't work out as planned.

In the prayer that Jesus thought us, we say, "give is this day our daily bread" (Matthew 6:11, KJV).
Jesus Christ did not teach us to ask for bread monthly, because He wants us to come to God daily for our provision and depend on God daily.

Can we come to God daily and ask that His will be done for us today?
Most often, our prayers are for the future and we forget about today.

The second reason we may not be seeing answers to our prayers is because of  lack of faith, which leads to lack of generosity.

God can never be undone in generosity.
We always say that the more we give, the more we receive.

The third reason is because we insist on our will and thereby disobey God's will.
Mother Mary's requests are usually answered because she has submitted her will to God ("And Mary said, behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the Angel left." Luke 1:38 KJV). A child who is always obedient to his parents has better chances of obtaining favors from them than a stubborn child.

When a person is obedient to God, their requests are usually granted by God.

Finally, we do not get what we pray for because we lack patience.
The widow in today's gospel was patient and persistent.

Nowadays, we hate delays. However, when it comes to prayers, there is always wisdom in delaying.
First, God will not want us to become spoilt children, He knows what is best to give us and at the best time.

Prayer is just not an activity but it is the way of life of believers (Christians).
We must pray without tiring for the success of man does not depend on material acquisition but on Jesus Christ alone.

People today have become too busy acquiring things for this world.
That is the question God asks us today,
when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in the world?
When the Son of man comes, will He find faith in our hearts (my heart, and your heart)?

Let us pray that we will have more faith and live in prayer so that when the Son of Man comes, we will be found worthy to be in His Kingdom.

The Lord have mercy on us and Grant us His grace to me patient and look up to His will always.


Written by: Bro Senanu Kofi Mensah

Edited & Published by: Bro Desire E. K Doh


  1. Kindly share your thoughts on this article please.

    Thank you!

  2. This piece of work is really inspiring and It came just in time to me... Thank you so much

    1. Thank you my friend. We're encouraged to do more.

      There's more to come.

      God bless you...


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