
Showing posts from October, 2019


FORWARD EVER!! BACKWARD?? In life, we are usually expected to be moving forwards but it is not automatic for us to move forward. Whether we go forwards or backwards depends on us. We shout, “forward ever! backward never!” but is it really all forwards for everyone? Why do some people keep moving forward, others backwards and others forward-backwards? Our progression or retrogression in life may to a large extent depend on our choices. The consequences of our choices may bring us progress or take us sideways or take us backwards. Our God expects us to progress in everything we do. He expects us to progress with ever-increasing glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). To be progressive in every sphere of our lives; in spirituality, in business, in relationships and in the family among others, we must do everything with excellence. We must turn to our God, who expects us to progress, for guidance and direction so that we can make excellent choices. To progress, we must have an excelle


GOD WILL NEVER TEMPT YOU You and I wouldn’t likely claim God tempts us. However, most of us have at some point gotten ourselves into a bad situation and said, “God, how could You let this happen to me?”  In these moments, when we face the result of our own actions, we have to make a decision about how we’ll see God. If we think He’s responsible for the outcome, then aren’t we saying He tempted us?  James 1:13 teaches we shouldn’t say God tempts us.  In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus models for us a God Who does not lead us into temptation, but delivers us from evil. When we realize God is not our tempter, we can see Him for Who He is—our Savior. Consider:  Think about the last time you blamed God. Were you also able to see Him as your Savior? Is there anything you need to stop blaming God for? Prayer: Thank you Father for this great revelation. Forgive me Lord for the many times I have blamed you for results of my own inactions which is caused by my lust of the flesh and ear


THE LION KING AND THE CYCLE OF LIFE Watching the remake of the 1994 cartoon Lion King, I felt a bit disappointed with the “remixing” of the music but I have appreciated more profoundly the great lessons that the story reveals: Great African values of togetherness, community, love and care of nature. Life is not an endless and meaningless straight line which leads into the abyss of nothingness (as Timon and Pumbaa had taught Simba) for which reason we must sing “akuna matata”; but life is a cycle in which everything is connected. To think of life as a straight endless line that leads into an abyss of nothingness is to be care free, to live an indifferent life, to care about nothing: neither about people nor nature and hence begin plunder and exploit nature and people. “The book of nature is one and indivisible”, says Pope Benedict XVI (emeritus), “and includes the environment, life, sexuality, the family, social relations, and so forth. It follows that ‘the deterioration of natu


Sunday, October 20, 2019: 29th Sunday Ordinary Time The First Reading: Exodus 17:8-13, Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 121:1-8 The Second Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2 The Gospel: Luke 18:1-8 Morning Mass (@ Queen of Peace Catholic Church, Madina Accra Ghana) Homily By Rev. Fr. Wilmer Cacao, Assistant Priest Last Sunday (The 28th Sunday), the gospel taught us about the prayer of thanksgiving. This Sunday (The 29th Sunday), we have another lesson on prayer which is the prayer of petition. As in any other kind f prayer, the prayer of petition is always pleasing to God and is willing to listen to this kind of prayer and grant us our request. However, some of us complain that our prayers are not being answered. Why? Some of us do not have complete confidence in God, we use God as the last option.  We already have our plans sorted out and only come to God as the last resort after we realize things didn't work out as planned. In the prayer that Jesus thought us, we say, &q