
Showing posts from December, 2019


BELIEVING GOD'S PROMISES God doesn’t promise you an easy life — but He does promise He’ll be there. Isn't it good to have a promise you can count on? As great as it would be to tell our loved ones they'll have easy, successful lives, but that would be a lie, not a promise. We can do our best to be there for our friends and families, but we're all fallible even with the best of intentions. But God isn't going to provide fake comfort. He’s not going to say He'll be around and then disappear. He's going to be there for you, no matter what.  God didn’t send Jesus to  think about  doing something about the power of sin and death. He sent His only Son to  destroy  the power of sin and death. So, we’re not called to manage sin; we’re called to eliminate it by the power of Christ in us. God decided we were worth Jesus’ life, so let’s really live! Let’s pray, let’s know His Word, and let’s leak God’s light into the world. We live in a fallen